


2004-02-13 eNet&Ciweek

  在窗體上建六個(gè)控件:一個(gè)名為 tcpClient的 Winsock控件用于通訊;一個(gè)名為txtIP 的 TextBox控件用于填寫(xiě)服務(wù)器的IP地址;一個(gè)名為ImgEdit1的 ImgEdit控件用于顯示服務(wù)器傳來(lái)的圖像;三個(gè)CommandButton控件( cmdConnect、cmdGet_Pic和cmdDisconnect) 分別用于執(zhí)行連接、取回圖像和斷開(kāi)連接(見(jiàn)圖二)。



  '====================== frmClient.frm

  Option Explicit

  Const FileName = "C:\sys1.tmp"

  Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()

  If tcpClient.State <> sckClosed Then tcpClient.Close

  tcpClient.RemoteHost = txtIP.Text

  tcpClient.RemotePort = 1001

  tcpClient.Connect ' 進(jìn)行連接

  End Sub    

  Private Sub cmdDisconnect_Click()

  tcpClient.SendData "Close" ' 斷開(kāi)連接

  cmdConnect.Enabled = True

  cmdGet_Pic.Enabled = False

  cmdDisconnect.Enabled = False

  End Sub

  Private Sub cmdGet_Pic_Click()

  tcpClient.SendData "Save Picture" ' 請(qǐng)求圖像返回

  frmClient.MousePointer = 11

  End Sub    

  Private Sub Form_Resize() ' 使 ImgEdit1 的大小隨窗體的變化而變化

  ImgEdit1.Height = frmClient.Height - 825

  ImgEdit1.Width = frmClient.Width - 225

  End Sub    

  Private Sub tcpClient_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)

  Static FileID As Integer, FileLen As Long

  Dim Buf() As Byte

  Dim j As Integer

  ReDim Buf(bytesTotal) As Byte ' 根據(jù)到達(dá)數(shù)據(jù)的字節(jié)數(shù)確定接收數(shù)組的大小

  tcpClient.GetData Buf

  ' 收到連接完成的“握手”信息

  If bytesTotal = 2 And Chr(Buf(0)) = "S" And Chr(Buf(1)) = "H" Then

  cmdConnect.Enabled = False

  cmdGet_Pic.Enabled = True

  cmdDisconnect.Enabled = True

  Exit Sub

  End If

  ' 收到圖像就緒的信息

  If bytesTotal = 2 And Chr(Buf(0)) = "P" And Chr(Buf(1)) = "S" Then

  If Dir$(FileName) <> "" Then Kill FileName

  FileID = FreeFile

  Open FileName For Binary As #FileID ' 打開(kāi)文件,準(zhǔn)備存儲(chǔ)圖像

  FileLen = 0

  tcpClient.SendData "Get Picture"

  Exit Sub

  End If

  ' 收到圖像發(fā)送完畢的信息

  If bytesTotal = 2 And Chr(Buf(0)) = "E" And Chr(Buf(1)) = "F" Then

  Close #FileID ' 關(guān)閉文件

  j = DoEvents()

  ImgEdit1.Image = FileName

  ImgEdit1.Display ' 顯示收到的圖像

  ImgEdit1.BurnInAnnotations 0, 2

  frmClient.MousePointer = 0

  Exit Sub

  End If

  ' 收到一塊二進(jìn)制圖像信息

  Put #FileID, , Buf ' 將當(dāng)前數(shù)據(jù)塊存盤(pán)

  tcpClient.SendData "Next Block" ' 申請(qǐng)下一塊

  FileLen = FileLen + bytesTotal

  frmClient.Caption = "TCP Client " + Trim(Str(FileLen)) + _

  " Bytes Received." ' 顯示當(dāng)前收到的字節(jié)數(shù)

  End Sub    




  共享聲音與共享顯示的思想是一致的,只是這時(shí)是客戶端向服務(wù)器端發(fā)送聲音文件,以便共享服務(wù)器的聲卡。服務(wù)器端應(yīng)使用微軟的多媒體控件(MMControl) 進(jìn)行聲音播放(使用 Ctrl+T 或菜單“工程->部件”來(lái)添加)。用該控件播放聲音不僅是簡(jiǎn)單的,而且功能強(qiáng)大。


相關(guān)頻道: eNews

